Welcome to Year 4
The class teacher is Mrs Stewart and Mrs Durant
Homework Help:
PE Days:
Curriculum Planning:
Let’s Celebrate:
Religion: Year 4 is a special year for our children at St. Clare’s. After Christmas we will begin our journey towards the sacrament of Reconciliation and later the Eucharist.
In our classwork we will be looking at key people in Jesus’ family tree. We will be reading about them in the Bible. Children will learn about the sacrament of Confirmation and what is to be ‘called’ by God, before focusing on our Advent journey as we prepare for Christmas, the coming of our Lord Jesus.
Children will be leading collective worships in class too.
PHSE/RSE: We are focusing on ‘Being me in the world’ and ‘Celebrating Difference this term’. We begin our RSE curriculum reflecting upon being created in God’s image. We are thinking about each of us having a vocation given to us by God. We recognise how precious each human life is and our relationship with God our creator.
Topic: This Autumn Term our topic is War and Peace followed by Where we live. Y4 will be going back in time to the Normans and learning about their battles, ways of living and lifestyle. Later in the term we will be focusing on mapping Middlesbrough, using 4 figure coordinates and different maps. We will be going out into the local area to find out about physical and human geography.
English: In English, we will be focusing on newspaper reports, web pages and diaries linked to our Normans Topic. Children will be writing their own version of an extract from George’s marvellous medicine as well as free verse linked to Remembrance Day. We will also be writing our own narratives. As ever we are focusing on handwriting, spelling and punctuation. Later we will be studying tense, conjunctions, possession and clauses in sentences.
During our love our reading sessions we will be listening to novels linked to the Normans, George’s marvellous medicine and The Hodgeheg. Later we will be reading Mega Monster and The Night I met Father Christmas.
Maths: We begin the Autumn Term looking at place value including numbers with thousands. Later children will be adding and subtracting 4 digit numbers using a variety of methods. This will also involve crossing columns eg borrowing and carrying. Later in the term children will look at measuring Area and Perimeter. We end the Autumn Term looking at multiplication andr. division. Times tables is a huge focus in Year 4. Children are expected to know all multiplication facts to 12 x 12 and be able to give answers within 6 seconds. They will be formally tested on this as they complete a National Multiplication Test in June of this year. Times Tables has to be a focus throughout the year at home and school.
Science: This term we are learning about States of Matter – Solids, Liquids and Gases. We will be studying the water cycle as well as learning about reversible and irreversible changes. In Autumn 2 we are also looking at Electricity, making circuits and linking this to our work in DT.
Art/D.T: To begin the year children will be focusing on drawing, learning to tone, hatch and cross hatch. Atter half term painting and printing will be our focus. We will be making circuits in D.T. too.
Computing We begin the year focusing on internet safety, learning about being safe whilst using computers. We then focus on the components of a computer and focus on effective searching. Computing is also linked to other lessons in the curriculum. After half term we will be using software to input and produce graphs linked to our Geography work for example.
MFL: Our topics this term are ‘All around town’ and ‘On the move’.
P.E.: We are currently focusing on Gymnastics and Dance in our lessons.
Useful Information: Our PE day is Wednesday; if pupils could bring their kit into school each Monday and be taken home to be washed on Friday. This allows for PE to be flexible.
Pupils know their Accelerated Reader range and have it recorded on a bookmark kept in class. Once they have finished reading their book, they take the test on Renaissance Learning. Though we may not expect our pupils to read a full book a day, as some of the texts we are beginning to read are quite lengthy, we do expect that their reading records are signed each night and returned to school each morning.
In the back of reading books are Mental Maths Booklets for children to work through. Each week in school they are tested on these and the times children practise is counted and added to our goals display. Children are rewarded during school assemblies for this work.
Homework is given every Friday for children to complete by Wednesday. Homework pages are highlighted in books and also on our Google Classroom if children forget.
Spellings are also given each Friday for children to learn for the next Friday, when they will be tested. Children have all been given access to Spelling Shed and their login and password are at the back of their reading book. This is a fun way to learn spellings and also the words can be found if children lose their list.
Children are asked to spend time on Lexia, Maths Whizz and Times Tables Rockstars at home.
Should your child need to isolate, classwork will be uploaded onto Google Classroom.
Please contact Mrs Harris or Mrs Guy should you have any questions.