Welcome to our Early Years Foundation Stage page
Our teachers are Mrs Voyzey (Nursery) Mrs Sedgwick and Mrs Burniston (Reception)
Our teaching assistants are Miss Robinson and Miss Russell
Homework Help:
PE Days:
Curriculum Plans:
Let’s Celebrate:
We offer in our nursery setting either a morning or afternoon place, or a 30 hour placement. Please feel free to speak to Miss Connor in the school office about the type of provision you would like to access at St. Clare’s Primary.
Please don’t hesitate to speak to any member of our team if you have an concerns/queries.
What are we learning about?
This half term our topic is All About Me. We will be learning all about ourselves and our families, starting with where we live and the things around us. As well as this we will learn about Diwali, Christmas and different celebrations.
At St. Clare’s we empower every individual to aim high and reach further. Together we work in partnership with our community to help each person develop the skills needed to face their future and to help them become TERRIFIC citizens whose values are grounded in the Catholic Christian caring ethos we promote. Through effective assessment we can measure the progress of each child on their learning journey.
At St Clare’s Primary School, our curriculum is designed to be creative, inspiring, challenging, and memorable and to provide all children with opportunities to expand their horizons and develop skills that will enable them to be confident, successful learner who will reach their full potential.
Although the Curriculum sets out academic expectations, we want more for our children. In order to enrich their learning and meet the high expectations that we have for them, four main drivers underpin our curriculum ensuring that it is enriched, personalised and aspirational;. These are ‘Honesty, Independence, Growth and Happiness’.
An integral aspect of the curriculum is that children are prepared for the future – during their time in the school, they become fantastic role models and the very best version of themselves. Their individual identity is valued and our children are kind and caring while also aspiring to be the best that they can be in whatever area they choose to pursue. We believe that every child is unique – they all have the potential to achieve; and our broad, varied curriculum allows every child to excel now and in the future based upon their own personal strengths, interests and core values.
From their different starting points, all children will make good progress academically, emotionally, creatively, socially and physically. Knowledge, understanding and skills will be secured and embedded so that children attain highly and are fully prepared for their time outside of the Foundation Stage.
Nursery wear red polo shirts with either a grey skirt/trousers or alternatively black joggers. Children can also wear summer dresses and shorts from after Easter until October half term.
Summer Uniform – summer dresses or white polo shirts with skirt, pinafore or trousers. Children should also wear black school shoes.
Winter Uniform – white shirt with tie and skirt, pinafore or trousers. Children are also required to wear black school shoes.
PE Uniform – House colour t shirt, black shorts/joggers/leggings, trainers, red hoodie.
Summer uniform can be worn after the Easter holiday up until October half term. From October half term, children are expected to wear winter uniform.
Please ensure all of your children’s clothes are labelled to avoid anything going missing.
No earrings or jewellery please.
Nursery Session Times
Morning Nursery:
Drop off – From 8:30am (doors close 8:50am)
Pick up– 11:45
Please ensure that your child is dropped off/ picked up within the specified times to minimise disruption and ensure that our staff can set up for the next session and get the half hour lunch that they are entitled to. If you are running late then please drop off and pick up via the main school entrance.
Afternoon Nursery:
Drop off– 12.30
Pick up – 3.30