We have a bright and vibrant breakfast and after school club that runs every day. This includes craft activities, sport and cooking each week. The BASC is run by Mrs Blades, Miss Robinson and Miss Russell.

To make a booking, please do so via Parent Pay,

Breakfast Club, available from 7:30 am £4

After School Club, available from 3pm to 4pm £4 or 3pm to 5pm. £9 including tea

We also have enrichment clubs after school Monday to Thursday. These clubs run all term from 3pm-4pm. A letter is sent out at the start of each term for you to sign your child up to. If a club is full then we will place your child on the waiting list for when a place becomes available.

Our clubs offer enrichment to our curriculum during the day and can include extra sport/fitness, construction clubs, STEM clubs, music, art and musical theatre.